Institute for Math & AI, Wuhan
Characterizing the stabilization size of a third-order one-parameter ETDRK scheme for the Swift--Hohenberg equation
张弘 副教授(国防科技大学) 腾讯会议ID:357-864-416 -
Hypersonic similarity for steady flows over a two dimensional wedge
向伟 副教授(香港城市大学) 理学院东北楼四楼报告厅(404) -
Aligning Model with Human Feedback: A Ranking based Zeroth-order Optimization Method
Prof.Tsung-Hui Chang (香港中文大学-深圳) 理学院东北楼二楼报告厅(209) -
Robust Mendelian randomization method accounting for idiosyncratic and correlated pleiotropy with applications to stroke outcomes
成青(西南财经大学) 理学院东北楼302报告厅 -
Probabilistic cell/domain-type assignment of spatial transcriptomics data with SpatialAnno
杨屹(东南大学) 理学院东北楼302报告厅 -
Communication-Efficient Pilot Estimation for Non-Randomly Distributed Data in Diverging Dimensions
夏小超(重庆大学) 理学院东北楼302报告厅 -
Decorrelated forward regression for high-dimensional data analysis
蒋学军(南方科技大学) 理学院东北楼302报告厅 -
“Statistical Reinforcement Learning” VS “Reinforcement Statistical Learning”
严晓东(山东大学) 理学院东北楼302报告厅 -
Block Randomized Experiments, Block 2K Factorial Experiments, and Covariate Adjustment
杨玥含(中央财经大学) 理学院东北楼302报告厅 -
LMANStat: A multi-layer academic network dataset derived from statistical publications
潘蕊(中央财经大学) 理学院东北楼302报告厅 -
Extreme-based causal effect learning (EXCEL) with unmeasured light-tailed confounding
苗旺(北京大学) 理学院东北楼302报告厅 -
朱宏图 教授 北卡罗来纳大学 ZOOMID:873 5350 2836 密码:594356 -
SOFARI: High-Dimensional Manifold-Based Inference
Prof. Jinchi Lv University of Southern California 理学院东北楼二楼报告厅(209) -
Mathematical Models and Machine Learning for Drug Delivery
刘江国 教授 (科罗拉多州立大学) 老外楼304 -
Poroelasticity, Models, Algorithms, and Applications
蔡明超 副教授 (摩根州立大学) 理学院东北楼四楼报告厅(404)